Общие положения
Этот договор купли-продажи устанавливает взаимные права, обязанности и ответственность ЗАО “AUSTILIS” (далее – Продавец) и покупателя (далее – Покупатель) при покупке товаров в интернет-магазине www.lovelyuniforms.com
Заключение договора
Договор купли-продажи между Покупателем и Продавцом считается заключенным с момента, когда Покупатель сформировал корзину покупок в интернет-магазине, предоставил адрес доставки, выбрал способ оплаты и ознакомившись с данными Правилами, нажал кнопку «Подтвердить заказ» и действует до полного выполнения обязательств по настоящему соглашению. В случаях, когда Покупатель не согласен со всеми или частью правил, он не обязан размещать заказ.
Payment and delivery
Shopping online is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Personal orders and other queries are accepted only at set working hours. The buyer obliges to pay for the ordered goods at once after placing the order, by using the payment method offered by the Seller. If the Buyer stops the payment or does not pay for the goods, it refers to the Buyer’s refusal to follow the agreement, therefore Seller has a right to stop proceeding with the order.
If You wish to pay by using a gift card, please contact us by the following address.
Seller obliges under Agreement to deliver goods ordered by Seller under delivery means and terms indicated for every product.
The buyer must inform Seller immediately, if the goods arrived in a damaged package, or if the package contains the wrong goods or quantity. The buyer cannot change the delivery address after the goods are sent out for delivery. If the delivery point is changed by personally contacting the haulier, Seller is not responsible for delivery terms and has a right to charge the Buyer for extra costs.
Personal Data Protection
When placing an order at an online store www.lovelyuniforms.com Buyer must provide data that is requested.
The buyer is responsible for data to be correct.
By confirming these Terms, Buyer agrees that provided personal data is to be used for purposes of purchasing on online store, Seller business analysis, and direct merchandising. By indicating email and phone number, the Buyer agrees to receive information, necessary for fulfilling the order.
By registering on online store and by ordering the goods, the Buyer obliges to secure the logging in the information.
Seller Liability
Seller has the right to amend the Terms and rules at any time. Only rules valid at the process of ordering may be applied.
If necessary, Seller has the right to receive information defying the Buyer, and confirming his/her right to make an Agreement.
If necessary, Seller has the right to restrict for the Buyer the possibility of making a payment, choosing delivery method and proceeding with ordering, if Buyer fails more than once to meet terms and conditions for accepting the goods.
Buyer Liability
Buyer has the right to buy under the terms and conditions set on the online shop.
Buyer must pay for the products and for delivery and accept the ordered goods. Buyer makes payment by indicated payment method.
By giving incorrect data or wrong delivery address, the Buyer obliges to compensate all extra charges that come out for the Seller.
Money for postal service is not refunded, if Buyer refuses to accept the goods after receiving a notice that order is out for delivery.
Returns is available under the law “Rules for selling goods and giving services, when agreements are made by using contact means”, established by Minister of Economy on 2001 August 17th, order No. 258.
Goods can be returned only if they were not used, it is not damaged and has original status. Changes in packaging for purposes to inspect the received product is not treated as damaging of the package.
Expenses for delivering the goods is not returned. Buyers are responsible for return shipping costs.
Gift cards are not exchanged to money.
Quality and Guarantees
All the main features of the product being sold on online shop are indicated in the definition of the product.
Seller is not responsible for the fact that the color of the item on the online store may not match the actual color of the goods due to the characteristics of the monitor used by the Buyer.
Merchandising and information
Buyer receives all informative messages and messages for purposes of direct merchandising to the contacts, indicated in the Buyer registration form. If Buyer does not want to receive advertising messages by email, we should be informed by email info@austilis.lt or by reply to our newsletter. Seller may decide on his own to make various outlets on online shop www.lovelyuniforms.com, on Austilis Facebook page or any other social media.
Seller has the right to decide on his own to change the Terms for offers, as well as cancelling them. Any changes or cancelation to Terms is valid only after they are accomplished.
Seller is not responsible if Buyer fails to receive informative messages because of network service etc.
Buyer sends all notices and questions by using contact email and phone number provided at online shop part “Contacts”.
All disagreements arising between the Seller and the Buyer are solved in discussion. If parties fail to agree, disputes are solved by the law of Lithuania Republic.